EN 13018-2001 pdf download

07-16-2021 comment

EN 13018-2001 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Visual testing – General principles.
4.1 An instruction shall be written which includes the minimum testing requirements in accordance with 4.4.
4.2 When required (e.g. product standard. contract) a written procedure shall be prepared in accordance with 4.4 to 4.7. Written procedures may he in a general form applicable without adaptation to a variety of unlisted products or situations, thereby reducing the overall number of written procedures required.
4.3 Copies of the written instructions andlor the procedures shall be made available to the relevant personnel.
4.4 As a minimum, the ftllowing aspects shall be considered for applicability:
a) the object to be tested, location, accessibility and geometry;
b) the extent of test coverage:
C) the technique and sequence of performing the test;
d) the surface condition;
e) the surface preparation:
f) the stage of manufacture or service life when testing is carried out;
g) the requirements of personnel (see clause 7):
h) the acceptance criteria;
i) the illumination (type, level and direction);
j) the visual testing equipment to be used:
k) the post-test documentation (see clause 9).
4.5 A demonstration test piece shall be used to prove the procedure. The test piece should he as close as possible to the component with respect to relative reflectivity, surface texture, contrast ratio and accessibility. The procedure should be demonstrated on the least discernible location in the area to be tested. This demonstration test piece may be replaced by the component to be tested or an approved system of reference.
4.6 Changes in equipment and in the details of the tests arrangement which do not adversely allect sensitivity levels shall not require the procedure to be reproven.
4.7 Any record of the image shall be of the same standard as defined in the procedure.
5 Direct visual testing
5.1 Direct visual wsiing may usually be made br local visual testing when access is suiiicienr
to place the eye within 600 mm of the surface to be tested and at an angle not less than 30° to
the surface to be tested. Mirrors may be used to improve the angle of vision, and aids such as
a magnifying lens. endoscope and fibre optic may be used to assist testing.
5.2 Direct visual testing may also be made at greater distances than 600 mm specifically for general visual testing. A viewing distance appropriate to the test shall be used.
5.3 The specific part. component, vessel, or section thereof, under immediate test, shall be illuminated, if necessary, with auxiliary lighting, to attain a minimum of 160 lx for general visual testing and a minimum of 50() lx for local visual testing.
5.4 Consideration shall be given to the application of illuminance to maximize the effectiveness of the test by:
a) using the optimum direction of light with respect to the viewing point;
b) avoiding glare;
c) optimizing the colour temperature of the light source;
d) using an illumination level compatible with the surface reflectivity.
6 Remote visual testing
6.1 When direct visual testing cannot be utilized, remote visual testing may have to he substituted. Remote visual testing uses visual aids such as endoscopes and fibre optics. coupled to cameras or other suitable instruments.
6.2 The suitability of the remote visual testing system to perform the designated task shall be proven.
7 Personnel
Personnel who carry out tests according to this standard shall be shown to:
a) be familiar with relevant standards, rules. specifications, equipment and procedures/instructions:
b) be familiar with the relevant manufacturing procedure used andlor with the operating conditions of the component to be tested;
C) have satisfactory vision in accordance with EN 473. In addition, when performing general visual teSting far vision shall be checked using the standard optotype in accordance with EN ISO 8596 visual acuity grade 0.63 in at least one eye corrected or uncorrected. Vision shall be checked at least every 12 months.
8 Evaluation
All visual tests shall be evaluated in terms of the acceptance criteria specified (e.g. product standard. contract).
9 Post-test documentation
When required (e.g. product standard, contract ) a written test relxwt shall be provided detailing the following:
a) date and place of test;
b) method used according to clauses 5 or 6;
C) acceptance criteria and/or written procedure/instruction reference:
d) equipment and/or system utilized including set-up:
e) reference to customer’s order:
I’) name of organization carrying out test:
g) description and identification of test object;
h) details of test Findings with respect to the acceptance criteria te.g. size. ocaLionj;
i) extent of test coverage;
j) name and signature of person conducting test with date:
k) name and signature of person supervising test with date, if required:
l) marking of component tested, when appropriate:
m) results.EN 13018-2001 pdf download.

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