No previous infectious disease outbreak, including the Spanish Flu, has affected the stock market as forcefully as the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, previous pandemics left only mild traces on the U.S. stock market. We use text-based methods...
Changes in real stock-market prices have a lot of explanatory value of the growth rate of U.S. aggregate business investment, especially for long samples that begin in 1891 or 1921. Moreover, for the period since 1921 where...
RECENT EVENTS and research findings increasingly suggest that the stock market is not driven solely by news about fundamentals. There seem to be good theoretical as well as empirical reasons to believe that investor sentiment, also referred...
Modeling the dependency between stock market returns is a difficult task when returns follow a com-plicated dynamics. When returns are non-normal, it is often simply impossible to specify the multivariate distribution relating two or more return series....
In this paper, we examine the stock markets’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using daily COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths and stock market returns data from 64 countries over the period January 22, 2020 to April 17,...
Do well-functioning stock markets and banks promote long-run economic growth? This paper shows that stock market liquidity and banking development both positively, predict growth, capital accumulation, and productivity improvements when entered together in regressions, even after controlling...
This paper addresses the question of how changes in stock market wealth and housing wealth affect consumption expenditure in Australia. We approach the problem using a panel ofAustralian states, for which we construct data on housing and...
A stock market, which is established well and huge capital is trading over here, is providing a number of opportunities of saving and investing to its investors. The main objective behind the establishment of stock market is...
We examine whether time-variation in the co-movements of daily stock and Treasury bond returns can be linked to non-return-based measures of stock market uncertainty, specifically the implied volatility from equity index options and detrended stock turnover. From...
World stock markets are booming, and emerging stock markets account for a dis-proportionate share of this growth. Yet economists lack a common concept or mea-sure of stock market development. This article collects and compares a broad array...