We report two studies in which the interplay between stimulus properties and perceiver character-istics in the appreciation car interiors was investigated. In Experiment 1 three design components,complexity, curvature and innovativeness, which are all thought to affect design...
Crude oil and stock markets: Stability, instability, and bubbles
We analyze the long-run relationship between the world price of crude oil and international stock markets over 1971:1–2008:3 using a cointegrated vector error correction model with additional regressors. Allowing for endogenously identified breaks in the cointegrating and...
CAR-T design Elements and their synergistic function pdf download
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells use re-engineered cell surface receptors to specifically bind to and lyse oncogenic cells. Two clinically approved CAR-T?cell therapies have significant clinical efficacy in treat-ing CD19-positive B cell cancers. With widespread interest...
Aluminium in Innovative Light-Weight Car Design pdf download
The main Aluminium applications as state-of-the-art in European cars are presented. The main established Aluminium alloys and their application in automotive parts are presented together with recent developments. Also new studies and innovative multi-material concepts are discussed...
Winter Blues A SAD Stock Market Cycle pdf download
This paper investigates the role of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the seasonal time-variation of stock market returns. SAD is an extensively documented medical condition whereby the shortness of the days in fall and winter leads to...
Transmission of Volatility Between Stock Markets pdf download
This article investigates why, in October 1987,almost all stock markets fell together despite widely differing economic circumstances. We construct a model in which “contagion” between markets occurs as a result of attempts by rational agents to infer...
Time series properties of an artificial stock market pdf download
This paper presents results from an experimental computer simulated stock market. In this market arti"cial intelligence algorithms take on the role of traders. They make predictions about the future, and buy and sell stock as indicated by...
The VIX, the variance premium and stock market volatility pdf download
We decompose the squared VIX index, derived from US S&P500 options prices, into the conditional vari-ance ofstock returns and the equity variance premium. We evaluate a plethora ofstate-of-the-art volatil-ity forecasting models to produce an accurate measure ofthe...
The Unprecedented Stock Market Reaction to COVID-19 pdf download
No previous infectious disease outbreak, including the Spanish Flu, has affected the stock market as forcefully as the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, previous pandemics left only mild traces on the U.S. stock market. We use text-based methods...
The Stock Market and Investment pdf download
Changes in real stock-market prices have a lot of explanatory value of the growth rate of U.S. aggregate business investment, especially for long samples that begin in 1891 or 1921. Moreover, for the period since 1921 where...