A guy named Gary needs BS EN 1022:2018,so i spent some time finding it.Let me give you some brief intuoduction. BS EN 1022:2018,the title is Furniture—Seating—Determination Of Stability. This document supersedes en 1022: 2005 The main changes...
Today, my brother shared a standard called ISO/IEC 19944:2017 with me. You can download it for free. Here is the brief introduction of this standard. ISO/IEC 19944:2017,Information technology — Cloud computing — Cloud services and devices: Data...
First,i want to thank Lucy rom America,who shares the document with me.BS EN 60335-2-17:2013+A11:2019,Household and similar electrical appliances—Safety—Part 2-7:Particular requirements for blankets, pads, clothing and similar flexible heating appliances. This standard recognizes the internationally accepted level of...
This afternoon,i will share BS EN 15493:2019,Candles—Specification for fire safety.It can be downloaded for free. This standard supersedes EN 15493: 2007 BS EN 15493: 2019 includes the following significant technical changes with respect to EN 15493: 2007:...
Some people left me a message saying that BS EN 15494:2019 is needed, so I'll share it with you now. The standard can be downloaded free of charge. It is only for learning and is strictly prohibited...
After lunch,i will share BS EN 10225-4:2019,Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures—Technical delivery conditions—Part 4:Cold formed welded hollow sections. This document, together with EN 10225-1: 2019, EN 10225-2: 2019, and EN 10225-3: 2019, supersedes EN10225:2009. This...
Welcome to www.freestandardsdownload.com,now i will share BS EN ISO 4126-7:2013,whose title is Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure—Part7:Common data. A netizen said that he has been looking for this standard for a long time. Indeed, I...
Now i will share ISO 18562-1:2017,the title is Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process. ISO 18562-1:2017 represents the application of the best-known science,...
Thank a guy named Jack from America for sharing BS EN 3475-806:2002,Aerospace series. Cables, electrical, aircraft use—Test methods.— Part 806: Attenuation. BS EN 3475-806:2002 specifies methods for measuring the attenuation of a cable.It shall be used together...
The number of the standard is ISO/IEC 27005:2018,whose name is Information technology — Security techniques — Information security risk management. Are you looking for this standard? If the answer is YES,then I want to say that you...