ASME BPE:2005 pdf download

12-18-2022 comment

ASME BPE:2005 pdf download Bioprocessing Equipment
convexity: a condition in which the surface of a weldedoint is extended relative to the surface of the tube orpipe. Convexity is measured as a maximum distancefrom the outside or inside diameter surface of a weldedjoint along a line perpendicular to a line joining theweld toes.
cracks: fracture-type discontinuities characterized by asharp tip and high ratio of length and width to openingdisplacement. A crack may not be detected with a stylus.A linear crack will produce a liquid penetrant indicationduring liquid penetration inspection, X-ray, or ultra-sound.
crater: a depression at the termination of a weld beadcrafer cracks: cracks that form in the crater, or end, olthe weld bead.
creep: a time-dependent permanent deformation thatoccurs under stress levels below the yield stress
dead leg: an area of entrapment in a vessel or piping runthat could lead to contamination of the product.
defects: discontinuities that by nature or accumulatedeffect (for example, total crack length) render a part orproduct unable to meet minimum applicable acceptablestandards or specifications, This term designates rejectability.(See also disconfinuify)
deionized water: a grade of purified water produced bythe exchange of cations for hydrogen ions and anionsfor hydroxyl ions.
delamrination: separation into constituent layers.
demtarcation: a localized area that is dissimilar to thesurrounding areas with a defined boundary.
dent: a large, smooth-bottomed depression whose diameter or width is greater than its depth and which willnot produce an indication.
dirty: a relative term indicating the condition of beingcontaminated.
discoloration: any change in surface color from that ofthe base metal.Usually associated with oxidationoccurring on the weld and heat-affected zone on theoutside diameter and inside diameter of the weld jointas a result of heating the metal during welding. Colorsmay range from pale bluish-gray to deep blue, and frompale straw color to a black crusty coating
discontinuitu: interruption of the typical structure of aweldment, such as a lack ofhomogeneity in the mechanical, metallurgical or physical characteristics of the material or weldment A discontinuity is not necessarily adefect.
distribufion system: centralized system for the deliveryof fluids from point of generation or supply to poinof iise.
downslope: that part of an automatic orbital weldsequence during which the welding current is graduallyreduced prior to extinguishing of the welding arc. Thedownslope portion of a welded joint is seen as a taperingof the end of the weld bead with a reduction of penetration from the beginning to the end of the downslope sothat the final weld bead is small with minimal pene.tration.
dross: a concentration of impurity formed in the weldpuddle, It floats to the surface when the metal solidifies(also called slag)
duromnefer: measurement of hardness related to the resist-ance to penetration of an indenter point in to a materialas typically determined by ASTM D 2240.
elasfomer: rubber or rubberlike material possessing elasticity. (see also elastomteric maferinl.)
elastomeric maferial; a material that can be stretched otcompressed repeatedly and, upon immediate release ostress, will return to its approximate original size.
electropolishing: a controlled electro-chemical process uti.lizing acid electrolyte, DC current, anode, and cathodeto smooth the surface by removal of metal.
efhical pharmaceufical: a controlled substance for the diagnosis or treatment of disease.
excessive penetrafion; weld penetration that exceeds theacceptance limit for inside diameter convexity. (See alscconuexiti
fernrenfation: the biochemical synthesis of organic compounds by microorganisms or cultivated cells,
fermienfor (fermienter): a vessel for carrying out fermentation.
fluoropolymer: polymer material having a carbon chaineither partially or completely bonded to fluorine atomsfull penefration: A weld joint is said to be fully penetratecwhen the depth of the weld extends from its face intothe weld joint so that the joint is fully fused. For a tubeto-tube weld, no unfused portions of the weld joint shallbe yisible on the inside diameter of a fully penetratedweld.

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