ASME B16.26:2006 pdf download

12-18-2022 comment

ASME B16.26:2006 pdf download Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes
1.1 General
This Standard establishes specifications for cast copper alloy fittings and nuts used with flared seamlesscopper tube conforming to ASTM B 88 (water and gen-eral plumbing systems). Included are requirements forthe following:
(a) pressure rating
(b) size
(c) marking(d) material
(e) dimensions
(f) threading
(g) hydrostatic testing
1.2 References
Codes, standards, and specifications, containing provisions to the extent referenced herein, constituterequirements of this Standard. These reference docu.ments are listed in Mandatory Appendix Il.
1.3 Convention
For the purpose of determining conformance with thisStandard,the convention for fixing significant digitswhere units or maximum or minimum values are specified, shall be “rounding off” as defined in ASTM E 29Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in TesData to Determine Conformance with SpecificationsThis requires that an observed or calculated value berounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hancdigit used for expressing the limit. Decimal values andtolerances do not imply a particular method of measurement.
1.4 Relevant Units
This Standard states values in both metric and USCustomary units.These systems of units are to beregarded separately as standard. Within the text, theU.S. Customary units are shown in parentheses or inseparate tables. The values stated in each system arenot exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that eachsystem of units be used independently of the otherCombining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance with the standard.
1.5 Quality Systems
Requirements relating to the product manufacturer’squality system programs are described in Nonmanda-tory Appendix B.
1.6 Service Conditions
Criteria for selection of materials suitable for particular fluid service are not within the scope of this Standard
The fittings covered by this Standard are designed fora maximum cold water service-pressure of 1 200 kPa(175 psig)
The sizes of the fittings shown in Table 1 (Table I-1)correspond to standard water tube size as defined inASTM B 88.
Each fitting shall be marked with the manufacturer’sname or trademark and other applicable markings asrequired by MSS SP-25, Standard Marking System forValves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions. Marking of fittingsless than nominal size % is optional.
Castings shall be copper alloy produced to meet thefollowing:
(a) the requirements of ASTM B 62, Standard Specifi.cation for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings
UNS C83600; or(b) the chemical and tensile requirements of ASTMB 584,Standard Specification for Copper Alloy SandCastings for General Applications,UNS C83800 orC84400, and in all other respects shall comply with therequirement of ASTM B 62

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