ASME B16.29:2007 pdf download

12-18-2022 comment

ASME B16.29:2007 pdf download Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings — DWV
5.1.2 Pipe. The size designation of threaded fittingend configurations defined in Table 2 (Table I-2) corres-ponds to thread sizes defined in ASME B1.20.1.
5.2 ldentification
Fittings shall be identified by the nominal size of theopenings in the sequence illustrated in Fig. 1.
Each fitting shall be marked permanently and legiblywith the manufacturer’s name or trademark and withDWV (to indicate drain-waste-vent).
Fittings shall be made of wrought copper or wroughtcopper alloy material having not less than 84% of coppercontent.
Due to widely varying manufacturing processes, laying length dimensions of fittings are not standardizedConsult the manufacturer for these dimensions. Suggested dimensions, including laving lengths, for variousfitting configurations are shown in Tables 3 through 13(Tables I-3 through I-13)
Maximum ovality shall not exceed 1% of the maxi-mum diameter shown in Table 1. The average of themaximum and minimum diameters must be within thedimensions shown in the table.
Fitting threads shall be right hand, conforming toASME B120.1-1983(R2001).Thev shall be taper threads(NPT), except for slip joint ends, which shall havestraight pipe threads (NPSM).
10.2 Chamfer
All internal threads shall be countersunk a distancenot less than one-half the pitch of the thread at an angleof approximately 45 deg with the axis of the thread, Allexternal threads shall be chamfered at an angle of 30 degto 45 deg from the axis. Countersinking and chamfering shall be concentric with the threads, The length ofthreads shall be measured to include the countersink orchamfer.
10.3 Threading Tolerances
Tapered pipe threads (NPT) shall be checked by useof plug or ring gauges, in either standard or limit typesWhen gauging internal taper threads, the plug gaugeshall be screwed handtight into the fitting. The referencepoint for gauging internal product threads depends onthe chamfer diameter When the internal chamfer diame-ter exceeds the major diameter of the internal threadthe reference point shall be the last thread scratch onthe chamfer cone. Otherwise, when the internal chamferdiameter does not exceed the major diameter of theinternal thread, the reference point shall be the end ofthe fitting. In gauging external taper threads, the ringgauge shall be screwed handtight on the internal threadOn the external thread, the ring gauge shall be flushwith the end of the thread. Gauging practices shall beas shown in Notes (3) and (4) of Table 2. Straight pipethreads (NPSM) shall be checked by the use of standardGO and NOT GO plug and ring gauges.
External and internal threaded ends of fittings willbe furnished with a polygon to facilitate installation.
The maximum allowable variation in the angularalignment of all openings shall be 5 mm in 1 m (0.06 inin 1 ft) (0.5%), other than in the direction of pitch (seesection 3)
13.1 Standard Gauging Method of Solder-Joint EndsThe standard method of gauging the diameter tolerances for male and female ends shall be by use of plairplug and ring gauges designed to hold the productwithin the limits established in Table 1.

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