IEEE 1666-2011 pdf download

01-14-2023 comment

IEEE 1666-2011 pdf download IEEE Standard for Standard SystemC ® Language Reference Manual
1.3 Subsets
t is anticipated that tool vendors will create implementations that support only a subset of this standard orthat impose further constraints on the use of this standard. Such implementations are not fully compliantwith this standard but may nevertheless claim partial compliance with this standard and may use the nameSystemC.See also 9.1 for a description of TLM-2.0-compliance
1.4 Relationship with C++
This standard is closely related to the C++ programming language and adheres to the terminology used inISO/IEC 14882:2003.2 This standard does not seek to restrict the usage of the C++ programming languagc;a SystemC application may use any of the facilities provided by C++, which in turn may use any of theacilities provided by C.However, where the facilities provided by this standard are used, they shall be usedin accordance with the rules and constraints set out in this standard.
This standard defines the public interface to the SystemC class library and the constraints on how thoseclasses may be used. The SystemC class library may be implemented in any manner whatsoever, providedonly that the obligations imposed by this standard are honored.
A C++ class library may be extended using the mechanisms provided by the C++ language. Implementorsand users are free to extend SystemC in this way, provided that they do not violate this standard.
NOTE-lt is possible to create a well-formed C++ program that is legal according to the C++ programming languagcstandard but that violates this standard. An implementation is not obliged to detect every violation of this standard.
1.5 Guidance for readers
Readers who are not entirely familiar with SystemC should start with Annex A “Introduction to SystemC.which provides a brief informal summary of the subject intended to aid in the understanding of thenormative definitions. Such readers may also find it helpful to scan the examples embedded in the normativedefinitions and to see Annex B,“Glossary.”
Readers should pay close attention to Clause 3, “Terminology and conventions used in this standard.” Anunderstanding of the terminology delined in Clause 3 is necessary for a precise interpretation of this stan-dard.
Clause 4, “Elaboration and simulation semantics” defines the bchavior of the SystemC kernel and is centralto an understanding of SystemC. The semantic definitions given in the subsequent clauses detailing theindividual classes are built on the foundations laid in Clause 4.
The clauses from Clause 5 onward define the public interface to the SystemC class library. The followinginformation is listed for each class:

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