IEEE 1902.1-2009 pdf download

01-14-2023 comment

IEEE 1902.1-2009 pdf download IEEE Standard for Long Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol
3.1.5 capacitive coupling mode: An electromagnetic signal transmission mode that occurs in the near fieldfrom an antenna that preferentially emits electric field over magnetic field such as an electric dipoleantenna. Signal strength drops of with1/r 3
3.1.6 controller: A device that initiates controller/responder communication and provides addressing andcommand information.
3.1.7 far field: The electric and magnetic field of an antenna at distances more than one sixth ( A/2元 ) thewavelength of the carrier signal being used for communications. Signal in this region is dominated byplanar wave mode transmmission.
3.1.8 hectometric frequency: 300-3000 kHz also known as Medium Frequency of MF. This term is oftenrefers to the range from 300kHz to 450 kHz which has special treatment in 47 CFR Part 15 FCC radiatedpower limitations.
3.1.9 inductive coupling ode: An electromagnetic signal transmission mode that occurs in the near fielfrom an antenna that preferentially emits magnetic field over electric field such as an magnetic dipole (loopantenna). Signal strength drops of with1/r 3
3.1.10 kilometric frequency: 30-300 kHz also known as Low Frequency ofLF.
3.1.11 long wavelength: For the purposes of this standard, a frequency between 10 kHz and 450 kHz, butin any case always below 1 Mhz.
3.1.12 magnetic field signaling: see inductive coupling mode.
3.1.13 myriametric frequency: 3-30 kHz also known as Very Low Frequency or VLF.
3.1 14 near field: The electric and magnetic field of an antenna at distances less than one sixth ( A/2元 )the wavelength of the carrier signal being used for communications (see Footnote l). Signal in this regionis dominated by capacitive and magnetic coupling modes.
3.1.15 planar wave mode: The electromagnetic signal transmission mode that dominates in the far fieldSignal strength drops of with 1/r
3.1. 16 responder: A device, that listens for acts on and responds to, transmissions from a controller
3.1.17 visibility network: A system for creating an inventory of tagged items that involves directly readingthe presence of tagged items wherever they are, stationary or moving, in an area, in near real time.’ Thisdiffers from a ‘snapshot’inventory system (such as a bar code based system) where all tagged items arebrought near a reader to build a one time inventory ‘snapshot’ or a ‘gated’inventory system whereindividual tagged items are brought near a reader as they are moved into or out of a closed area and theinventory is assumed to increase or decrease based on the direction the item travels through the gatewareader.

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